Absolut Chess (AC) is a funny and complete chess for all players. It allows battles in computers nets (LANs and Internet) where your opponent plays remotely with you, or front-to-front battles, where the two players combat in a
single computer. When the choice is to face the machine, AC presents 3 levels of difficulties that will prepare you to future fights.
3 levels of difficulty;
Network support (local nets and Internet);
Save and recovery of game;
Game history;
Chat messages in net game;
Sound effects;
3D graphics and mini visualization 2D;
2D view mode;
Board inversion;
Come back of movement;
Time control;
Movement validation;
Lifetime support and updates;
Replay and history navigation.
IBM PC with processor Pentium 133Mhz or compatible;
32Mb of memory;
Mouse and Keyboard;
SVGA Monitor;
Sound card (Optional);
Network card (Optional);
Windows 95/98/Me/XP.