mary jooon 

Current player: mary jooon 
Created on:2014-05-06 08:38:35
Last 8 moves:
14 Qh7h806/05/14 09:09  cxd506/05/14 09:11
15 c3c406/05/14 09:12  Nf6d706/05/14 09:12
16 cxd506/05/14 09:13  exd506/05/14 09:14
17 O-O-O06/05/14 09:15  Nd7c506/05/14 09:15
18 Bb2g706/05/14 09:17  Ke8d706/05/14 09:18
19 Bg7xh606/05/14 09:19  f7f606/05/14 09:20
20 Na3c206/05/14 13:12  Qd8e706/05/14 14:11
21Rh1e106/05/14 15:32    

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Game finalized on 2014-06-06 00:00:02. omidi is the winner!