Peão Sem Órgãos 

Current player: EddieSG13 
Created on:2008-06-14 13:51:52
Last 8 moves:
35 Rc1c7+14/07/08 00:05  Kf7g614/07/08 05:35
36 Rc7b714/07/08 10:15  h7h514/07/08 10:44
37 Rd1b116/07/08 12:44  h5h417/07/08 04:55
38 Rb7xb317/07/08 09:22  Qe3f217/07/08 17:54
39 Rb3b618/07/08 08:36  e6e518/07/08 17:15
40 Rb6b819/07/08 18:48  Kg6g520/07/08 07:49
41 Rb8g8+24/07/08 20:12  Kg5h524/07/08 20:48
42Rb1b726/07/08 17:44    

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Game finalized on 2008-07-27 19:23:16. Peão Sem Órgãos is the winner!